Xeomin Marketing

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Xeomin Marketing: Your Guide to Generating a Xeomin Patient Base

“Xeomin? What’s that?” Many patients (and med spas) are clueless when it comes to this powerful anti-aging treatment. While BOTOX has become a universal aesthetics staple, many med spas are missing out on the revenue and marketing potential of its sister injecting serum, Xeomin

With a targeted marketing campaign, you can highlight Xeomin’s unique traits and build up a loyal patient base won over by this effective wrinkle-removing solution. But first, let's jump into
why Xeomin is an appealing treatment option to promote in your practice.

Featuring Xeomin At YOUR Practice

Xeomin has a lot to offer for both patients and med spas. Like BOTOX, Xeomin uses a form of Botulinum Toxin to create a serum that “freezes” the muscle receptors responsible for deep-set wrinkles. Over time, Xeomin injections minimize and prevent future wrinkles as it pauses movement and allows the skin to re-form into a smoother plane.

Both BOTOX and Xeomin are
FDA-approved solutions for minimizing forehead wrinkles and fine lines. Both treatments have years of data backing up their effective and widespread use. But what makes Xeomin different?  

  • Xeomin is a “naked” toxin that forgoes the protein additives found in BOTOX. This can benefit the rare (but growing) base of patients who have developed antibody resistance to BOTOX through continued injections. If BOTOX is no longer working for a patient, they can generally switch over to Xeomin–no problem. Or for those looking for a long-term solution, Xeomin might be their preferred choice from the get-go.
  • Because of its pure makeup, Xeomin doesn't require refrigeration prior to opening (unlike BOTOX). It’s easier and less costly to store–and could be marketed as a slightly “greener” choice.
  • Xeomin may have a smaller price tag for both your med spa to obtain and for your patient to buy (depending on what you are treating). It's less money out of your pocket initially, and a slightly lower price (than BOTOX)  can entice a more price-conscious demographic.

Now that we’ve covered some of Xeomin’s marketable strong points, let's go over the different arms of a powerful marketing campaign for this wonder anti-aging treatment.

5 Ways to Effectively Market Xeomin
1. Build an Online Presence: Your Website

A successful Xeomin marketing campaign centers around your website. When patients click on a Facebook Ad? They're directed to your website. When patients investigate further off your social media account? Your website. Email link? You get the point.

We can’t overstate that your website’s quality and visual appeal are KEY to your Xeomin marketing campaign’s success. To begin, check out our Med Spa Website Design guide on creating a cohesive, beautiful, and user-friendly website for your med spa. It goes over how to maintain an overall brand for your med spa throughout its pages, showcase your results, encourage patient conversion, etc. 

Once your website structure is looking good, you should focus on polishing your Xeomin treatment page. While your homepage is meant to provide brief snippets and paths for patients to further explore, your Xeomin page should go beyond the surface level to provide a wealth of Xeomin-specific information. 

Tailor it to your patients' needs by overviewing the treatment procedure and experience, answering frequently asked questions, showcasing visual results, and providing booking paths. (For example, check out the Xeomin SEO page we helped create for The G Spa).

Your website is the virtual home base of your med spa. Fine tune your Xeomin content on your website and boost your bookings!

2. Be Visible: Search Engine Optimization

Unfortunately, your work is not done when your website is in top form. It doesn't matter how well you’ve built your website if nobody sees it! This is where SEO (Search Engine Optimization)  efforts come into play.

There are a series of adjustments (optimizations) you can make to smooth out any rough edges in your website that are standing in the way of Google reading and highly ranking your website. Learn how Search Engine Optimization techniques can improve your content, links, location,  speed, mobile usability, etc. Not only do these tweaks help your patients better navigate your site, but they can also earn you a front-page seat on Google’s search results. 

It's worth any effort to have your website appear first when your potential patients are asking questions about Xeomin!  

3. Target Your Marketing: PPC, Facebook Ads, etc.

Before most patients will book a Xeomin appointment with you, they need to be familiar with and think highly of your med spa.  Facebook ads or other PPC ads can help grow your exposure, build your rapport, and help your patients progress along the booking path. 

So how do you know what kind of ad is right for your patients? An ad for a potential patient that has never heard of your med spa should be much different than one for a long-time patient considering branching out for a new service like Xeomin. 

The Aesthetics Marketing Funnel helps break down what kind of ads should be presented to patients at different stages of interest and exposure with your med spa. For example, a patient's first interaction should prominently feature your med spa’s name/logo and create a narrative of why they need your services (with an emotional or entertaining approach). However, the last stages of interaction should provide clear Calls to Action to call, a link to set up a virtual consult, etc. 

In short, your marketing efforts should change based on interest level and exposure to your med spa. Once you know what type of patient you are working with, your ads can be a direct driver for consultations. An effective PPC strategy can sift through thousands of keywords to find the key phrases that your prospective Xeomin patients are searching for. In addition, Facebook ads can target the ideal demographics that are likely to be interested in Xeomin.

Get the word out about Xeomin at your med spa, with deliberate and targeted ads!

4. Get Social: Social Media Marketing

Facebook Ads are not enough when it comes to social media. A thriving social media presence on multiple platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, Youtube, and Facebook goes far in getting patients to book a Xeomin appointment.  

The world of beauty and aesthetics is a social thing. For a patient, seeing a friend’s real results from Xeomin on their social media account will often go miles farther than any other marketing. So to grow your Xeomin base, you need to promote it on thriving social media platforms.

Does your social media presence need a boost? Med Spa Social Media Marketing techniques can help you engage and create an online community, walk a patient through a treatment experience with video content, highlight real results/patient experiences, and advertise promotions and new products. 

Once your accounts are humming, a Xeomin campaign can really take off! A Xeomin feature sharing info and results, a re-post of a patient's content, a live Q&A with an injector etc. can be GOLD for building your Xeomin base. Use your Social Media presence to explode your Xeomin bookings!

5. Activate Your Base: Text and Email Marketing

We’ve already covered that Xeomin is unknown to most of your patients. In order to boost your bookings, you’ll need to utilize your subscriber lists to educate and build awareness about this exciting treatment. 

Email campaigns are an ideal educational tool. While a social media post is limited to a small word count, an email allows as much space as you need to cover a topic. While patients won’t read TOO long of an email, a patient could leave an email (or a small series of educational emails) with a much better idea of what a Xeomin treatment is and what the treatment experience would look like. In addition, stunning images and video content can quickly convince prospective patients of Xeomin’s impressive results!

The trick is sending Xeomin emails to the right demographic of your email list. With an enticing offer. At the right time. Learn how to navigate Med Spa Email Marketing to build up your Xeomin bookings.

While emails may cover more ground, Text Message Marketing offers other advantages. For example, while an email could potentially be buried in a patient's inbox, a text message is almost guaranteed to be read immediately. An expiring text offer (especially after a targeted email campaign) can be the perfect push a prospective Xeomin patient needs to get booking!

*Expert Tip:  Patients are quick to unsubscribe to texts if they don’t perceive value, so use your texts sparingly with exciting offers!

Commit to a Xeomin Marketing Campaign Today!

Are you convinced? No matter how small your Xeomin bookings are at the moment, a targeted marketing strategy can begin building a loyal patient base. Through marketing coordination of your website, ads, social media, and email and text subscriber lists, you can watch your Xeomin bookings and revenue rise!

Aesthetic Experience Matters

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