O-Shot Marketing

Learn how to market O-Shot's powerful boost for women's sexual experience

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O-Shot Marketing: Your Guide to Building an O-Shot Patient Base

Women who have received O-Shot treatments are raving about their results. Patients are quick to applaud how convenient, painless, and most importantly EFFECTIVE this treatment is for increasing sexual arousal and improving vaginal health. Many are calling it the best advancement in female intimacy treatments. 

While the word is quickly spreading, there are still many who are unaware or hesitant to pull the trigger on booking an appointment. A targeted and deliberate O-shot marketing strategy can be the needed spark to build a loyal patient base, boost your revenue, and expand your practice. 

Your medical spa’s marketing of O-Shot can make all the difference in educating, building awareness, and generating excitement about this effective new treatment. We’ll begin by discussing how to frame the O-Shot for potential patients and then jump into the marketing arms that will set up this treatment for success at your med spa.

O-Shot Marketing done right.
Featuring The O-Shot in YOUR Med Spa

In order to best spread the word about this treatment, you need to be sensitive about its context. 

Historically the field of women's sexual experience has been “taboo” or heavily stigmatized. While significant demographics of women found themselves struggling with low sexual desire and decreased vaginal sensitivity, these issues largely remained unmentioned and unaddressed.  

However, this landscape is quickly changing! Your marketing can help open the conversation further by giving women encouragement to improve their situation and prioritize their experience.  

To do this,  your marketing needs to help remove any barriers to entry. Here are three concerns your marketing material could address.

  1. Is it natural?  

    Many women are hesitant about anything too invasive or anything close to surgery. This is your chance to educate prospective patients about the amazing PRP technology. Explain how the treatment utilizes the patient's regenerative properties found in their own blood cells to stimulate collagen and promote health. Assure them that nothing foreign is added–avoiding any type of adverse reaction or built-up resistance.
  2. Will it work for me?

    Emphasize that the O-shot is a multi-purpose treatment. Like a tide that raises all boats, the O-shot seems to address a wide range of women’s health issues. From incontinence, to dryness, to sexual arousal and sensitivity, women are relieved and ECSTATIC that this treatment is helping a situation that felt unique to them. The overwhelming majority of patients who have received the O-shot are reporting marked improvement to astounding results. 
  3. Will it hurt?

    The discomfort is very minimal. There will be a small pinprick during the blood draw, but it is nothing different than routine bloodwork. During the treatment, a numbing cream or topical anesthetic will be applied to the vaginal area, eliminating any injection discomfort down to at most a small prick and some stinging. It's a small price to pay for the reported boost to sex life and confidence!

With potential patient concerns in mind, your marketing can better reach and guide your target market. Let’s now dive into how deliberate website design, SEO, ads, social media, text, and email campaigns can begin booking out your O-Shot appointments. 

5 Ways to Effectively Market The O-Shot
1. Get Featured: The O-Shot on Your Website

To spread the word about the O-Shot, it needs to have a permanent home on your website. 

Create an individual treatment page that overviews everything a patient needs to know about the O-Shot. For example, patients appreciate explanations of how the O-Shot works, what to expect before/during/after treatment, FAQ’s, and testimonials of results. And of course, include links to learn more by setting up an in-person or virtual consultation. 

Once a patient views your treatment page, they should feel their questions have been answered and feel empowered to move forward. 

In addition to the O-Shot treatment page, you need to look at your website design as a whole. Remember, your website is the online version of your med spa. Just as patients form impressions about your practice by what they see when they first walk into your door (is it clean, professional, beautiful?), first impressions of your website homepage are KEY to whether they move forward with your med spa. Your med spa’s unique branding needs to tie all your pages together aesthetically.

We can’t overstate the importance of a coordinated, helpful, easy-to-use, and visually aesthetic website. Once your website is in order, with a clear O-shot feature, this intimacy treatment can begin to gain traction at your med spa.

2. Be Seen: Search Engine Optimization

It’s not enough for the O-Shot to be featured on your website. It also needs to be seen! 

Patients will be bringing their questions about the O-Shot to the internet (especially if they are hesitant to bring it up with friends or doctors yet). You need to make sure that Google brings up your med spa’s O-Shot content as an answer to their questions!

Search Engine Optimization is all about getting your website highly ranked on Google. There are a series of simple adjustments that help Google better read and categorize your site. You’re not trying  to “trick” Google or your patients. Instead, SEO is all about producing  quality content that cuts out any fluff and gives the information that your patients are looking for. 

In addition, there are other tweaks like compressing your image size, providing alternate captions for your pictures, optimizing loading speed, etc that help your site run smoother.

In addition, you can optimize your O-Shot treatment page to gain authority. For example, you should internally link to the O-Shot page throughout your website. The more links that point to this page, the more credibility Google will assign it–earning it a higher ranking.

 Build your O-Shot patient base by giving the treatment page the SEO attention it deserves!

3. Grow Awareness: PPC Ads

In addition to your website, you can build internet awareness through targeted ads.

The fact is, patients RARELY book with a med spa they don’t know. Patients generally need a handful of interactions with your med spa before they will book with you. Patients need to gain confidence that you are good at what you do, safe, professional, and deliver amazing results.

Effective PPC ads can help build the needed rapport and exposure. Each ad can build exposure to the O-Shot and move patients closer to booking with your med spa. Effective PPC ads take into account keywords patients that are interested in O-Shot  are searching for. 

The Aesthetic Marketing Funnel helps you further break down where your patients are, and what type of ad would be best to help them progress. For example, a patient that has never heard of you would do best with an ad that strongly promotes your med spa's name and logo and makes a case of why they need your services. On the other hand, one of your returning patients may be more interested in a new treatment ad featuring the O-Shot.

Many platforms offer free tools to help you target specific audiences. Facebook, for example, lets you target patients based off of interests, location, behavior, lookalike audiences etc.  Use the available tools to give your ads the most impact!

The more you can hone in on your ads, the more effective your O-Shot marketing will be!

4. Build Community: O-Shot on Social Media

The O-Shot is a big unknown for many potential patients. Your social media marketing on platforms such as TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and Youtube can help normalize the O-Shot and spread awareness.

Seek to use the community aspect of these platforms. Get the dialogue going about this amazing treatment and allow opportunities for patients to ask questions. Create a community that can vouch for and share their experiences. Incentivize patients to post their content and tag your med spa. And then re-share on your platforms!

Seek to work with local influencers, especially those with beauty and sexual health interests. Try to collaborate and grow your exposure in their following. A discounted (or even free!) treatment can be well worth it, if it means a popular influencer will endorse the O-Shot at your med spa. 

In addition to the social benefits, your platforms can be used to educate patients about the O-Shot, showcase results, and provide an insider view into the treatment experience. If a picture or video does well on one platform, feel free to use it on other platforms. You could also post promotions and limited time offers to generate new bookings. 

This social media aspect of your marketing campaign is KEY to promoting The O-Shot and  overcoming any barriers to booking.

O-Shot marketing over email and text
5. Reach Out to Subscribers: Email and Text Marketing

You don't need to always look outwards for O-Shot patients. Take a good look at your email and text subscriber lists to find potential interest.

You could start as broadly as your entire female subscribing base. You could send a feeler email out to this large demographic, asking for interest in learning about the O-Shot treatment and improving women’s sexual experience. From there, you could send out an educational series of emails overviewing the treatment, going over FAQs, and providing opportunities to book consultations to explore further. 

Allowing patients to opt into this educational series builds interest and helps you target those who are most likely to book. Email marketing is non-threatening and ideal because it's not constrained by length (unlike a short social media caption, etc.). While an email shouldn't be too long, it can take as much space as it needs in overviewing the treatment.

In addition to email, you can use text message marketing. While an email has the potential of being buried for days, weeks, or even indefinitely in a junk folder, a text message is almost guaranteed to be read right away. Don’t take that direct access for granted! 

Patients are quick to unsubscribe from texts, so make sure to load your O-shot texts with as much value as possible. Expiring offers or exclusive text promotions can grab patients' attention and be the spark they need to book an O-Shot appointment. 

Build your O-Shot patient base through your email and text subscribers!

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