When it comes to emails in your patients’ inboxes, all you get is ONE glance.

It doesn't matter what amazing promotions or information are in your emails. If the headline doesn't grab your patients’ attention, your email is unlikely to be opened.

Here are three tips that can improve your email headlines (and boost your open rates!).

  • Be Brief: Your patients likely check their emails on their phones. The screen space is small. Long headlines of the past just won't cut it. Keep headlines short, catchy, and to the point.  Aim to use less than 50 characters.
  • Build Interest: You want patients to be curious about what’s in the email. While your headline shouldn’t be so vague they don’t know what it’s about, a bit of mystery is ok. Allude to exclusive values within (and make sure the emails deliver). Questions work great too.  They make patients want to say yes or learn more. Create curiosity that compels patients to click.
  • Make it Personal: Patients don't want generic emails. They want to feel like the email is relevant to them and their desires. So create email headlines that hit on what matters to your patients. A question like: “Do you want to feel and look good this summer?” or  “You deserve a pick me up” reaches straight to the patient.

That tiny headline space can feel daunting, but it’s your best chance for getting opened! Focus (and have fun!) with your headlines and you will see a boost in your email marketing conversion.

Whether it’s writing emails or any other marketing strategy, we‘ve got you covered at Med Aesthetics Group. Book a consultation today to see how we can bring more traffic and revenue to your practice.